This piece is derived from the Reverie Tenet. Floating between reality, fantasy, and memory. Connect our conscious and unconscious. Seek out what lights us up. Seek what gives us energy. Elevated positive energy is the catalyst of change that allows us to reconnect and align with our souls to create joy. These symbols evoke, rather than just describe, Joy.
- Spark It just takes a spark to initiate a life of love and light.
- Butterfly This butterfly is meant to celebrate the soul and what gives our life meaning. In celebration of our own soul’s search for the light of our life purpose, like the Myth of Psyche in Greek mythology, following her bliss. Aligning and Re-connecting with our Soul; the absolute, undeniable, irrevocable connection with our essence. They can represent the defiant shout that our soul is ours alone to fuel and fire. It also celebrates the souls we cherish and keep close to us: a soul mate, our children, our parents. It is cathartic when grieving the loss of a beloved soul. It honors the birth of a new soul. In friendship, in love, in grief, in joy, for what is a soul but the metamorphosis of the individual from the divine; the beyond, between, and the after of everything this life encompasses. There is an end to life, but not of love.
- Triple Butterfly
- Roman Numeral 10 The roman numeral 10 represents manifestation and completion