Forever & Always a Pair
This piece is part of the Forever and Always a Pair collection derived from the Love Tenet. Forever & Always a Pair: perpetually, and unceasingly bound. These pairs of pears are one-of-a-kind pieces. We have many pairs in our lives: our mothers, our fathers, our children, our best friends, our soul mates. Just like you and me and each of those that we love, every stone is completely unique.
Every single stone reflects differently and illuminates differently as do our pairs: the Catalyst, the Healer, the Fire Starter, the Teacher, the Truth-Sayer, the person that is just willing to hold space for our deepest thoughts. We choose the pairs to keep close to our hearts; friends, lovers, family, & chosen family. They give us a piece of their hearts, we give them a piece of ours.
- The pear We choose our pairs of pears at a time when it feels right and they become part of our heart forever.