Amate - Love Sealed Gemstone Medallion with Annex Link


Handcrafted in 18-karat yellow gold and sealed in clear quartz, this Amate Sealed Gemstones symbolizes symbolizes Love. Sealed inside this new heart-shaped clear quartz is the diamond-encrusted word “Amate” which is translated from Latin as “Beloved”. But it’s also an Old English verb, Amate (əˈmeɪt) which means to be a match for someone or something. Either in Latin or English, the meaning is the same when someone gives it to you, “You have my heart, you are my beloved, my match.”

  • Handcrafted in 18-karat gold
  • Detailed in clear quartz and diamond
  • Total 0.075 carat
  • Connect to any necklace with the Oval Annex link
  • MS0025-AMA-YG-CQ


This piece is derived from the Love Tenet. Love binds the heart forever. True Love includes all of the 7 Types of Love.

  • Agape: Universal love
  • Eros: Romantic love
  • Philia: Friendship
  • Storge: The love between parent and child
  • Ludus: Playful love
  • Pragma: Love founded on duty and reason
  • Philautia: Self-love


Someone who is dearly loved, beloved, & treasured. The letters of A-M-A-T-E is a ligature, combining the letters as one to form a sinlge connected glyph.


The Heart is love, and we need to open ours to connect, Cor ad Cor, Heart to Heart. And then all will be right in the world.

True North

The constant in your life. The “right” direction, the “right” choice for you. Mirror Reflection.

Number 7

Number 7 is an auspicious number across all cultures indicating completion and a tribute to the seven types of love.

Learn more about the different tenets