We often think of a dream as something that is unattainable; all those dreams we keep bottled up within ourselves can come to fruition so long as we work toward making them a reality. The Dream tenet is your daily reminder to manifest the future you want for yourself.
The heart identifies the dream, the “what”, the mind determines the how, the next steps needed. The will says now is the time, launch forward and make it your reality.
Per Aspera Ad Astra. Through Challenges to the Stars. The star have served as a roadmap for mankind through the ages.
The Arrow
Sometimes the forward progress seems daunting or halted, but even an arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards first. Revisiting an old journal, returning to a place of inspiration, talking to a friend about the dreams you shared: these are all steps towards making your dream a reality. Even one step forward matters.
The Triangle
The divine triangle is associated with pyramids, arrowheads, and sacred mountains, representing discovery, revelation, and ascension. In alchemy it represents change, and it is also the traditional sign for fire within the elements. across cultures, religions, and disciplines, it sums up to remind us that the power of transformation is within us.
"Dream Forward. It takes the alignment of the heart, mind and will to make it happen. The heart identifies the dream"
- Creative Director, Beth Hutchens
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Which of your core values, make you you and which qualities of yourself are you trying to unfold and access?
Select symbolism
Close - Filters- Strength
- Karma
- Dream
- Protection
- Wholeness
- Live Passionately
- Love
- Resilience
- Internal Compass
- Reverie
- Astrology
- Initials & Numbers