At our core is the single element that we all share; our inner light - the golden thread that binds us. Our “oneness” is at the center of all things; the key. It is the divine in all of us and a symbol of our solidarity. I refer to that oneness as “Light” or “Aether”, but it’s known by so many names-chi, the divine, or God. We can listen and allow a voice for all beliefs and all experiences and engender harmony with compassion. We can embolden ourselves and better the world with the knowledge that we each have the light within; our purpose is to expand it.

From light comes life. We are born with given and inherited qualities, predispositions and histories depending on where, when and from whom we are born and depending on where, when and with whom we are raised that influence how we connect with the world and shape our character. The four classical elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water are the building blocks of all living matter, including us, and impart qualities to us as described by our astrological charts. Our genetic makeup, our given names, our family names, our culture and everything we inherited from our ancestors give us a particular view of the world. I think it’s important to explore all of these attributes to get insight to your natural tendencies and then to understand how they influence your relationships with those that are closest to you. Insight is the key to achieving balance and allows us to grow more fully into ourselves. Yet, what you are born with does not define who you will be...
We gather insight and wisdom through experience, consciously choosing our formal and informal sources of education. Too often, we do not actively cultivate the deep well of the subconscious. The symbols of our lexicon lie inside us, waiting to be excavated from the recesses of our minds. Symbols are a visual, universal language that we inherited from our ancestors that evoke primal responses, and these figures and designs give us a language for our experiences, much as alphabets do for written thought. Symbols help us express ourselves by sharing inspiration and ideas, and call forth what we already know deep inside, so that our conscious and subconscious can become aligned.

And with that alignment, we develop our Tenets—our beliefs. These beliefs are spiritual cornerstones that define us and inspire our next chapter. Our Tenets remind us that we can always choose, can always change: we each have free will and agency over our lives. We can choose what and when to dream, whom we love, and what sustains us through difficult moments. The Tenets we hold dear are a reflection of both our strengths and our opportunities for growth. They embody the core values we must put energy into every day to make them a bigger part of our lives. We need reminders—little signposts in front of us to keep them in our sights. There are different points in our lives when a Tenet is particularly important to guide us in becoming who we’re really meant to be. We have to begin somewhere. Find your starting point.