Starry, Starry Night

Starry, Starry Night

Have you ever heard a magician say, “I ask the audience to suspend their disbelief”?  Being willing to overlook small imperfections, to suspend your idea of reality, gives you the ability to believe in magic—even if only for a moment. I am asking you to do the same today: suspend your disbelief. Now is the time to tap into the magic that resides in each one of us, and in the extraordinary world around us. It’s critical for our soul’s survival to experience feelings of delight and wonder. 

Today is 11.11: a portal to enchantment. In numerology, the number 11 is not just any number; it's considered a master number, which means it carries a heightened level of spiritual significance and a unique vibration. A double “11” is twice as powerful: 11.11 is an example of synchronicity; an auspicious sign indicating a strong spiritual presence. Some think seeing 11.11 signals a time for optimism, realigning priorities, and embracing opportunities. 

I believe that a willingness to overlook small, imperfect details is a kind of optimism, and I think there’s a link between optimism and enchantment—they share a capacity to inspire and uplift us. Optimism encourages us to exchange our disbelief and doubt for trust and hope, which then leads to a sense of enchantment in the beauty and possibility all around us. In this way, optimism and enchantment work together to help us create more fulfilling, meaningful lives. Their continued existence, even in the face of the world’s harshest realities, is a magic all its own.