Tenet Highlight
Love is what makes our heart beat. Love gives life meaning and purpose. Love is defined by all 7 types of love.
The Heart is love, and we need to open ours to connect, Cor ad Cor, Heart to Heart. And then all will be right in the world.
A True Lovers Knot, also known as Bowen’s Knot, is a Heraldic Knot representing the connectivity of true love. The four outer loops beseech support from the 4 corners of the world.
The star represents energy & divine guidance.
It just takes a spark to initiate a life of love and light.
Number 7 is an auspicious number across all cultures indicating completion and a tribute to the seven types of love.
We often think of a dream as something that is unattainable; all those dreams we keep bottled up within ourselves can come to fruition so long as we work toward making them a reality.
The triangle represents sacred mountains, transformation, the idea that introspection and change is required to actualize a dream. The crown indicates the ascension; the achievement of the dream.
The arrow inspires us to powerfully launch forward.
The interlocking laurel leaf branches are a historic emblem that signifies accomplishment and glory.
The divine triangle is associated with pyramids & sacred mountains;
within the elements it is Fire, representing the journey of self discovery &
The star represents energy & divine guidance.
This piece is derived from the Vivacity Tenet. Vivacity comes from the Latin “vivacitat” meaning “life force”. The unwavering belief that “this life is beautiful, every moment a gift” is the cornerstone of a life rich with exploration, discovery and learning. Because tomorrow is not promised. If not now, then when?
Without wings, we cannot reach the limitless skies, the apex of our potential. These pieces are meant to be companions on your journey skyward, encouraging you to unfurl your wings even in the most daunting times. If not now, when?
The plus and minus signs represent a French phrase: 'qu’hier, que demain', taken from the 1889 poem “L’Eternelle Chanson” by Rosamonde Gerard—“more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.” This beautiful sentiment is an homage to ever-growing love, an expansive heart, and the trove of a lifetime’s treasured memories.
planting a single seed represents starting to create the life you want. All growth begins here - one action, one step.