The History of Cigar Bands

The History of Cigar Bands

The legacy of the cigar band began in the mid nineteenth century. Gustave Bock is credited with the invention of the cigar band in about 1854, and with helping to build the cigar industry in Cuba. By the 1880’s, cigar bands became beautiful intricate art works known for their brilliant colors, especially bright red, green, and gold embossing. The band became the cigar’s signature, leading to the “golden age” of cigar bands and the introduction of cigar bands as rings in the Victorian Era worn by both men and women.

foundrae cigar band rings in a journal next to page of real cigar bands

Since the Golden Age, many of the most established and prestigious jewelry houses have developed their own cigar band rings in homage but by the new millennium they were no longer in production. It wasn’t until 2015 that FoundRae reinvigorated this genre with an entire collection of cigar bands that have become a signature to FoundRae.

The collection continues to evolve with two new additions: True Love and Strength.