Masculine/solar energy can be defined with words like leadership, action, strength, confidence, pride, and power. Where Feminine/lunar energy is more associated with words like fluid, receptive, open, intuitive, and magnetic. I questioned whether one really could be stronger than the other. How is Strength defined?
Becoming aware of the different qualities of Strength that the Lion & the Tiger both represent is important. Recognizing that both masculine and feminine energy each have value, validity, and a place in our lives and how we express ourselves. I think of both the FoundRae collection and myself as a work in progress.
These are the tools of self-expression and self-discovery that I seek myself and also share with others. But in particular, on this International Women’s day, 2022, I want to embrace the idea that we have both the Lion & Tiger inside each of us. The strength is there within us; wisdom lies in where and how we express it.